Can "Dark"Sounding Speakers Be "Brightened"UP???

One of my buds has a pair of the original Sonus Faber Concertino speakers(bi-wireable)partnered with a Peachtree Audio Decco,driven by a HP Laptop & cabled with all Audioquest copper cables(usb,power & speaker).While listening to my new Toy Monitors & Peachtree Audio MusicBox driven by an Asus Laptop recently he commented that he was able to hear treble frequencies(especially cymbals)on my system much better than on his & wondered if anything short of changing speakers could be done.
I have read that Silver Plated Copper cables tend to sound a touch brighter than all copper & was wondering if you folks think switching to all Silver Plated Copper(i'm thinking Nordost or DH Labs)cables might bring the treble up a bit in his system?
Thanks for your input,take care...

Showing 1 response by geared4me

The first and most important place to start is speaker set-up. Once height and toe-in are properly set move on to rake to get the best balance. This is usually where the issue is best addressed.