Thanks for the responses. Since I bought the PPP used, I didn't pay anything like retail for it, but it's still a pretty expensive thing to pitch in the dumpster. The other solutions mentioned just don't fit my budget, though. Right now I'm using a Furman Elite-15 PF I which works just fine as a stopgap while I figure out the next step (if any). Interestingly, at least to my ears, the PPP seemed to offer a bit more grip and composure than the Furman, but I'm happy at least to have the surge protection for my components.
Can my PS Audio Power Plant Premier be repaired? PS Audio won't do it any more
Apologies if this has been asked before--I sifted through several years worth of posts in this forum but didn't see this exact question. So here's the story: I bought a PS Audio Power Plant Premier here on Audiogon a little over 3 years ago, and for most of that time it has performed flawlessly in my system. A few months ago it began to exhibit that intermittent and annoying clicking that, based on what I've read, is a common problem with this model. It appears that PS Audio was servicing these as recently as last year (for a hefty price), but they now inform me that they no longer do, citing unavailability of parts. They did, however, send me the schematics and supporting literature. At this point, if I want somebody to troubleshoot/repair it, I guess it will have to be an independent technician, but I've had no luck finding anybody local (SF area, Northern California). Right now the unit is on the "other" site at a fire-sale price, but no offers have surfaced that I could take seriously. It's heavy and expensive to ship, but I'm willing to consider it, because, for all its flaws, it really did have a distinctly beneficial effect on my system's sound. Suggestions and pointers gratefully received. Thanks.