Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II

The Tannoy monitor DMT 215 needs 150 wpc to 500 wpc to drive it. I only have a Music Reference RM9 which is only 100 wpc. Will it ok to drive this monitor without causing amplifier clipping? Please advice! Thanks

Showing 1 response by ths364

The DMT215 specs out at 101db @ 1w 1meter. That's pretty efficient so I'd say it depends how loud you like to listen and in what size room. If you like to listen at high volume in a large room I'd advise against it- the temptation to turn it up louder will be too great. In a smaller room at moderate levels you should be fine. I'd keep an eye open for a more powerful amp either way- you may not be happy with the bass articulation using the amp you have- by the time you can hear clipping it may be too late.