Can Meridian G68 preamp bypass DSP & stay analog?

I have a Meridian G68 preamp. Obviously, if I want to use the Meridian DSPs to create a 5.1 signal from an analog stereo input, the G68 would have to convert the analog input to digital in order for the DSP to converted it to 5.1. But what if I have a high quality external stereo DAC and want to keep the stereo analog input in the analog domain without ever converting it to digital? Is that possible? Or does the G68 convert every input to digital regardless? I am asking this because the only way to amplify the external high quality DAC signal is to keep the signal analog all the way through the preamp and into the amp. Otherwise why bother with a high quality external DAC?
An ideal clean-up PLL after the digital source would provide the same signal to the preamp, regardless of the digital source. Of course, there is no such thing as an ideal clean-up PLL. But it seems reasonable that there is one that may suffice. I just haven't found it (yet).

The better the clean-up PLL, the less important the source. A pristine source is a more pure approach. But the clean up-PLL may be a more practical approach.

How about the Synchro-Mesh?
Having said this, I agree that a new source is probably in order. I am just not sure which one and which approach.

I would like to hear someone has auditioned a MAC mini with a Emperical Audio Sychro-Mesh against sources costing >10X more. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the same league. After all, dedicated functionality with dedicated power supply and chassis could provide performance filed under 'work smarter not harder' or should I say 'spend smarter not more'.
In my personal experience with telecom applications, clean-up PLLs improve perform best for noisy clocks but improve performance very little to not at all for clean clocks. I suppose the same may be true for audio applications.

Hence, money may be better spent on a source vs clean-up PLL. Or it could be the other way. I'm just not in the mood to go spending money on trial and error.

Now that you know were I am coming from, please let me know your comments and experiences. Thank you.