Can I Transfer MusicGiants HD tracks to iTunes?

I've started downloading some tracks from Music Giants, and love the quality. However, I'd like to merge these tracks with my iTunes library to mix in with playlists (my regular Apple Lossless transfers from CD). It looks like I can transfer these WMA tracks over by converting them to Apple Lossless, but do I loose any of the HD quality that way? I want to make sure I keep full quality, or else what's the point of Music Giants.

Any advice welcome.

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Thanks Sfar, I tried a few traks now, and I realize I'm stuck as some of the WMA files I get from Music Giants include DRM, so i can't even convert them to Apple Lossless.

C*$&. Just for a minute there, I thought I had a great source of new HD music with the convenience of managing them in playlists on iTunes, but no luck. I'm amazed that this stuff continues to be not user friendly and is over protected. I'm standing there with my credit card ready to by more music, only it's not really worth my while if these files are just sitting there in islands, unable to be integrated with the rest of my music. Oh well..