Can I run my wireless speakers through an external DAC?

I own Bluesound node 2i and I use to run two sets of wireless speakers in my house (PSB Alpha iQ and Bluesound Pulse Flex).  I am interested in upgrading my SQ and I have read that using a standalone DAC is a good way to improve the SQ from my current set up.  However, if I bypass the Node 2i DAC how will I be able to connect to my wireless speakers?


Showing 1 response by audiotroy



there is no way to improve what you have both speakers have built in dacs and streaming an external dac won't improve anything.


if you want to use your node you need active speakers without a dac atc, elac etc


Dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ

Psb , Nad Bluesound , elac, atc dealers