Can i plug Turntable into AR ref 5se phono input?

Im thinking of getting into vinyl. Do i really need to go out and buy a Ref Phono pre amp or is there a way to experience decent quality vinyl playback utililizing my Audio Research 5SE. Id like to know what components you guys are using if you have done this. Ive been looking at the Clear Audio line of turntables  to experiment with. 
Thanks Al. I totally understand. Ive read too many threads where "experts" believe digital audio is the way to go (where im at). Somehow a part of me is just really really curious!!
Seems like the pre amp would out class the turntable and phono stage if you were looking for new. I’d suggest looking for a used setup (here on Audiogon?) lots of great uses TTs and carts (if you’re willing to get used). Also many many phono stages. For instance, I’ll be selling my Rega RP8 and Quintet Black S cartridge soon. It was $4000 new just a year ago and selling probably for $2000 or so. Fantastic table. Only selling because I’ve spent 10x on a new setup.