Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?

Hi All,
I could certainly use some advice on this matter. I have Quad 2905 ESL's in my attic and my attic has hardwood floors. I recently moved into this residence never having experienced hardwood floors previously. My speakers are on cones and isolated with Herbie's titanium gliders. I've been able to position the speakers so that they are given enough room to operate effectively but those hardwood floors are brutal at times. My thought leads me to the only obvious solution, 12 feet by 12 feet carpeting. Are there more cost effective ways of approaching this?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks as always!

Showing 20 responses by goofyfoot

Thanks Randy. I was thinking that the rug needed to extend behind the speakers as well as in the front. What about the sides. how far to each side would you suggest?
Speaking of fuses, I added a Synergistic Research Black to my Ayre QB 9 DSD. Then I added an Akiko XLR Tuning Stick. I'm very impressed with the Akiko products. They've also come out with Tuning Chips and I'm thinking that the Speaker Tuning Chips placed near the cable inputs at the base of the Quad's will help considerably however a large rug or rugs may still be needed. I'm thinking that the Synergistic Research HFT's won't work for me given placement issues.
Thanks folk freak your suggestions help significantly however wool rugs are too expensive (based on my knowledge) for my current budget however other organic fibers can be found. So I'll keep visiting Craig's List in hope of finding a good deal.
geoffkait. I'm not too savvy on the nature of how Akiko designs there products. Me and science are like oil and water. Here's a statement from their site;
'The recently developed energetic Tuning Chips are able to harmonise energy currents in places that were previously inaccessible to our other tuning products. The Chip is able to do this by permanently applying harmonising energy there where the Chip has been placed. This improves the signal transmission.'
geoffkait, maybe people would fear that they'll blow up or something. Honestly. I have more of an issue with my carbon fiber static brush as they claim to be carcinogenic. 
What I've noticed about the Akiko Products thus far, and I have a triple enhancer, a tuning stick and a fuse chip, is that everything becomes much clearer. The presence becomes richer as well but the little imperfections are noticeable and I'm thinking that I might break down and buy a Richard Gray line conditioner to plug my PS Audio conditioner into. Unfortunately I'm not in the market for a regenerator.
folk freak, thanks for the link. Yes, I've seem seen some things on eBay and Craig's List, so I will buy something eventually. Right now I've placed a cotton throw with wool fabric on top of that and a German wool military blanket on the floor and that helps considerably.
Aside from that, I'll talk to Akiko Audio about their speaker tuning chips as well as some of their other products. Occasionally, I'm getting a little shrill in he upper midrange.
randy, won't an isolation transformer strip away some frequencies? I tried one many years ago and it didn't sound right. I remember that it was hospital grade.
Thanks Terry. Room treatments sound practical but the Richard Gray does also. I have a great amp, ASR Emitter II Exclusive and that runs on a battery so nothing to worry about there. 
My stereo certainly sounds good at night as to be expected. I just finished listening and can say that even having laid down blankets made a significant improvement. Any advice on wall panels?
dentdog, I can't find anything online that states the price tag on the SAC products. I do occasionally find Richard Gray products on the used market and am wondering if that wouldn't be a cost effective approach? Richard Gray makes good equipment, though it is expensive once one moves up the product chain. 
asvjerry and nonoise, that's my plan. I'm currently suing the US Postal Service, waiting to be put on the docket. After that, then I'll have some expendable cash flow. For right now as I've mentioned, I placed a wool German military blanket on the floor and a cotton throw with some Ukrainian wool fabric on top and it has helped considerably. Thanks for the link nonoise. It appears as though this would be a good source for not paying a lot of money.
I do still trust in these Akiko Products as careful trial and error positioning has offered a giant improvement to my system.
dentdog thanks for the info. My amp runs off a battery so no issue there. Akiko offers a Squeeze Box and DAC Power Supply for 350 euro and given that my sonic objections are confined to my DAC, I'm thinking that this would be an affordable antidote.The SAC interests me but I'm looking for a better college to teach in so $1,500.00 is a little steep for the moment.
I have been looking at acoustic foam to place along the slanting attic walls. The house is a shotgun style built in 1887 and so I;m hoping that $60.00 worth of foam will help with the occasional shrill and separation distortion in the treble. A proper wool carpet would be nice as well.  
Thanks emailists, I like the midrange on those Quad 63's but I'm not familiar with the TAD's. I don't have corners to worry about because the room is so long. I do have attic slanted ceilings and the sides of my 2905's run into those slants about 5 five feet back. I'm thinking foam along the slanted ceiling in proximity to the sides of the 2905's, if that makes sense. Unfortunately, a good line conditioner is essential but I'm looking for one second hand.
schubert, I'm using Herbie's Titanium Gliders. They are working better over a thick wool blanket than on the hardwood floor.
george hifi, I might try placing pieces of rubber mat under the feet. The rubber is made from recycled tires but that doesn't matter since I'm using titanium decoupler's.  
f. schubert, yes the gliders make for a vast improvement but it can't stop there. I'm in desperate need of an additional  line conditioner not to mention a proper rug, some acoustic foam along the walls and several more Akiko tweaks. It seems like once I add a tweak, then something else needs to be addressed. 
As for line conditioners, Akiko makes one called a Corelli which I would choose first however I've yet to see one on the used market so possibly a used Richard Gray until I'm more gainfully employed. The Corellio with power cord runs about 2,000.00 euro.
tbbg, I appreciate your experience with Quad's. I've tried a number of different things and can narrow the problem down to two effective antidotes. A) put the ESL's, with spikes and titanium gliders on a wool rug and B) buy the Akiko Audio Corelli. This I believe, will resolve my issues to the best that my issues can be resolved. There will be tweaks along the way no doubt (because I believe in a few) and it will take some time to accomplish, given that the Corelli is roughly 1,800. euro. But that's just a part of my journey. 
I have a friend who a while back added bass panels to the Quad 63's and he said that the 2905's are in general the same however I tend to believe that the 63's have a little fuller midrange. I've never had the chance to hear a refurbished or mint original pair of the 57's. I do know that they were initially produced for monophonic listening so were sold by the single speaker rather than by the pair. A tech that I know of has a pair of Accoustats and brags about those and the inability to arc them. I'd love to hear those ESL's as well.
kavakat1, thanks for the advice but I do live on the second floor and I rent, so it's out of the question. The spikes, titanium decouplers and wool blankets have helped significantly. I also ordered some acoustic foam and so will begin treating the walls. 
Just to make mention of a recent change, I'm testing/upgrading the newest version of Audirvana Plus 3.0. The sound quality in this upgrade is significant and not subtle. It doesn't change the fact that I need to treat my room but I'm already sold on the applications improvements and believe that I'm now given more to work with than previously.