Can I Degauss my vinyl ?

Some people use the Walker Talisman to demagnetize their records. Can I use a 110 V electric degausser used on televisions to do the same? the cost for one of these is $20 as compared to the Walker @ $250.00+

Showing 3 responses by blueskiespbd

So, I still do not know if anyone in vinyl land is trying the
degausser. There are no directions so am unsure about the best method to use this device. I do use the zerostat for static but as Elizabeth said that is a horse of a different color. I think you need to do both sides.
Thanks Elizabeth for the instructions. I feel better now. like many tweaks this may only be a small improvement but I feel that many small improvements will add up to a better sound at my ears.
I still think a $20 device that can demagnetize vs a $2500 device that can demagnetize....hmmmmmmmm???? Think I will stick with the lower cost option.
Am I the only one using the TV degausser? Don't tell me I am a trail blazer here. I am so radical I use a steam cleaner for my records...oh no !!!