Can I convert dvda to Apple Loseless???

Pretty simple question; I am wondering if I can convert my dvda collection to my ipod? Do any of you do this? Is there some particular software for making this work? I have searched with no answers.

I second Pabelson! I don't know what a Mac does with an SACD opening iTunes. If it'll show up in iTunes at all you can go under "Etras" and decide which way you will convert. If SACD doesn't show up in iTues, go the analog way - this will work for sure!
Aida: If you put a hybrid SACD into a Mac, what shows up is the Redbook layer, and it should read it just like a CD. I don't think a single-layer SACD would show up at all. (It'd probably ask you if you want to initialize the disk!)

He's asking about DVD-A, though, which doesn't have a Redbook layer. Hence the need to go analog.
Thanks for the great responses so far. Just to reiterate; I am not worried about losing a lot of the high rez. quality from the conversion but rather I just want to be able to listen to albums I have already purchased on my ipod. Anymore ideas??
I do think that you won't lose a lot of the MUSIC going analog! Who cares for the rest except those high rez junkies and they don't even touch an iPod anyway, do they?