Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?



Showing 13 responses by tannoy56


The video I presented is from youtube as well.  If you like the sound of your video better,  more power to you. Enjoy the music. 


The demo was requested from the audio reviewer and it was not chosen from the exhibitor. However, if one listen carefully, he/she will find out that even this simple percussion demo reviles a lot of details and micro/macro dynamics, as well as enormous energy. Even though the demo is simple - and yet one can hear more in sound quality nuances.  Sometimes, you have to listen to what is there (simple or not) and then evaluated for what it is and not for what it is not. I'm sure, you'll get  there one day, but for now you can enjoy the sound from Best Buy. 



As I mentioned prior, the demo was provide by a professional audio reviewer , who dropped  by the room, asked for his cd to be played and made a video recording of it. Later on, he posted the video on youtube. Obviously, he did like this recording or he was trying to hear a specific sound reproduction from the CD track he was familiar with. That’s all.

Judging from you posting logo of yours, you must be big on SS Mcintosh gears. If this is what makes you happy - Enjoy the music!


The video I presented to you is not to be evaluated as a critical listening experience of the system, but to provide the viewer with some ideas and hint of what is possible to achieve with vintage drivers, transformers, capacitors etc. In addition, the recording was made in a hotel room at the Munich hi-fi show - not in a professional studio/environment with the best possible tools for recording. Furthermore, I was present in the room and can tell you that under those inadequate recording  conditions ,  that the sound reproduction by the system was near spectacular.


"refined tastes" - I like that. "snob" - not so much. As far as my question goes, I gave you the benefit of a doubt that you are smart enough to get it. Sorry, I was wrong to assume that.  Am I crazy or the rest of them are?


Warning! This web side is for mature adult only - no children without parental control allowed.


Oh, ya......that’s why LP and analog tape sell prices are through the roof these days? However, I enjoy the convenience and sound quality of  my digital gear as well when is done right.


I truly enjoyed watching and listening to you posted video and I like it as well. Thank you.


Yes, Carver sold more SS gear than VT. The reason being is that he, Carver found a niche in the market for mid hi-fi equipment at very affordable prices.

On your second point: Do you really believe that Carver Silver 7t SS mono block amplifier will driver your big panel speakers and sound better than the Silver 7 tube mono amps?  Not that I like either of them. 



I have one question for you. Which Carver SS amplifier is sounding better than his own tube amplifiers? In fact, until few years back, Carver was selling mostly tube amplifiers. In addition, Carver himself considers the Citation I, tube preamplifier as the very best ever made.  Is he wright? You tell me...