Can anyone shed some light on the difference between the Oppp BDP-83 and BDP-83SE ?

Thank you for any input/knowledge/experience you can share. 


Showing 2 responses by bambooken

Unearthing this thread by asking:

Is the BDP-83SE worth $275 today (July, 2023)?

Using the BDP-83SE (ESS Sabre32 Ultra DAC (ES9016)) would allow me to:

Get rid of my old MusicHall Music Hall CD-25.2 (stock, Burr Brown PCM1738) which has always sounded fantastic in my system. An old OPPO DV-980DH (used for SACD and coax out to newer DAC), and a crappy Sony Blu-ray. 

I guess the real question is if the BDP-83SE will sound as good or better than the Music Hall. 

I may need to spend $275 to find out.

Any experienced input would be helpful.


@lordmelton Which mods did you do to your 83SE?

Since ripping is not my thing. Essentially, I'd use one of two configurations:

1) HDMI out to my system for the DVD/Bluray playing. 

2) Analogue out for CD/SACD listening in Stereo

BUT… if, after A/B testing I decided that my external DAC sounds better, I'd go with Coax out to my DAC for stereo listening. 

The internal DAC is newer and ostensible better than the MusicHall's. However, MusicHall has out performed a few more expensive players when A/B auditioned on my system. For instance, a Rotel that was way more expensive but really did not sound as transparent. 

The 103 / 105 option is out of my budget range.