Can anyone recommend an FM Receiver that would play into a relatively high end system?

I have gone “all in” on digital streaming, but unfortunately, we are not immune to interruptions in Internet service in our area.  Whenever one occurs, I am reminded of simpler days listening to FM radio, and would like to have that capability again.  Are there FM receivers that would feed a digital stream into a DAC?   Or would they be analogue feeding directly into my amp via XLR cables?   Any suggestions would be appreciated.   

Showing 2 responses by skiroe

So you want to go analog FM.
first consideration , actually shared by 2 main issues. You are going to be dependent obviously on what stations you have available within 100 mi radius (best case scenario with rooftop antenna) and of course your taste in music and if there are even stations that provide an eclectic choice of music (if thats what you want) or how bad you want to listen to truly non commercial independent stations such as college stations/community stations or other semi non commercial stations such as NPR type. Well, NPR are generally always available although depending on their music formats can well be someones cup of tea.

The other important factor and focusing strictly on analog FM this can not be stressed enough ---Its not how good the tuner is (although of course one wants a decent performing tuner) Its how good your antenna is. . and by good is meant that the only ,, the ONLY type of antenna that is going to enable the best possible sound from ANY given tuner is a rooftop rotatable yagi style FM only antenna. Which have pretty much been discontinued by major brands like Winegard. There are substitutes available that combine uhf ,,etc. (not going into that for purposes of this post) Possibly still available from an obscure vendor or 2 online last I heard.

Antennas for tuners were never stressed back in the heyday for purposes of selling the highest priced tuners. Why would a salesperson sell you a 120 dollar entry level Sansui or Onkyo or Pioneer if they can instead sell you a 600 dollar Mac back in the day telling you that it is built in the best possible way with the best parts.. yada yada.. (Ive had 3 Mac tuners and they are good and they perform most noticeably best using a rooftop antenna as ALL the  tuners I have had do. 

The point is this. a $150 tuner is going to sound better than a $800 tuner when the lower priced 3 or 4 gang tuner is using a rooftop antenna compared to the 5 or even 7 gang tuner that is just using a dipole or Any other indoor antenna set up.. Its just the way it is. The tuner has to get the best possible signal to be able to perform its best. An obviously being up there on the roof pointed in the direction of the tower is going to get it on. To be clear,, I’m talking about using indoor antenna vs using rooftop antenna . So of course the $800 tuner is most always going to sound better using a rooftop than the $150 using the same rooftop set up.

I had used a simple dipole antenna since the 60’s listening to local FM . It was not until the early 2000’s that I installed my first yagi style fm only antenna --a Winegard. The difference in sound quality (not to mention reception ability) was literally mind boggling and mind blowing and became a source for major music listening for me. But of course, I had lived in an area of the country that has long been just blessed with many good FM stations including multiple independent college stations which are often low power but living within 30 miles and using rooftop antenna would provide very good analog sound. rivaling at times vinyl sound or whatever you want to call good analog sound.

Aside from my rant in previous post re/importance of antenna and the only antenna that will make a big difference (read astounding difference ) is a rooftop rotatable.   That is all true.  I think my rant also was due to the fact that I have since moved to rural area which I term  FM wasteland so I no longer listen to analog FM (limited listening to a FM community station out of Chico, Ca with a dipole  antenna in both systems using  Kenwood 600T in one and Mitzu DA-F20 in another)      I digress.   Im so far out in the boonies that even rooftop would not pick up my preferred stations  150- 170 miles away so my unobtanium  APS 13 yagi sits in a box in the garage.    I would likely be able to pull in Sacramento stations although I do not see much in the way of eclectic offering there.

So my rant based in part on being p'o'ed on having lost a major source of music satisfaction.    The tuners in themselves are a  source of satisfaction similar in effect  in  how we can enjoy with our other system components.  

At any rate,,  the bottom line here is if you have a station that you are really dedicated to or even better a couple of them in your area and you are using an FM tuner  by all means , by whatever means --install a rooftop antenna which will enable the music being broadcast to be at its best possible quality.  Again it needs to be rotatable as that dials in the optimal signal strength and with a tuner with multipath meter will help to potentially avoid interference or reflected signal.  

  For me listening to a station where by there are no commercials and the DJ's come off like genuine souls and do not have to abide by a playlist dictated by a higher power but instead play what they enjoy that becomes a good opportunity to hear music that is not mainstream and lets one decide whether to buy it.