Can anyone help with a load of equipment I have acquired

I have some equipment I am not familiar with. I eventually want to sell it but I do not know how to evaluate it so it is hard for me to market it. It is all from an audiophile friend who passed away but I do not know about audio equipment.

For example, I have a Pair of 3a Nefes Speakers, Joule Electra LA 300 and other pieces.

Can anyone recommend a good approach?


Showing 1 response by pmotz

To clarify what Swampwalker said, there is "Blue Book" feature on the website that is based on Audiogon sales.  This feature does have a cost, but it would well worth it in this circumstance.  I would also recommend looking up each piece in the search box to see if any are for sale.  You can also do this in eBay.  Sold items are the best measure, for Audiogoin you will need the Blue Book for that, but it is free on eBay.  Keep in mind that you may not get the maximum value since you are not familiar with the equipment and cannot fully attest to it's operating condition.  Savvy buyers will know when there is a degree of risk and will reduce paying price accordingly.