Can anyone help me biasing a Jadis Defy 7?

I just bought all new Gold Lion KT88 tubes and I am having problems biasing this amp.
I am hoping that someone else with a Defy 7 can help me out a little.
I have the new tubes in and I found the 4 trim pots.
I have been measuring the voltage at the fuses and can not get some of the voltages under 6 volts.

I think I need some help right about now.

Thanks for any assistance!

Showing 1 response by jadis7a

I need your help to see if it is serious or not. 
I was adjusting for the second time the voltage, and putting 5.05v in all the four rows, and suddenly in the resistor I was measuring, a little explosion and a little smoke appeared, and the voltmeter show a value equal to zero in all rows, even the amplifier switches on the light and all tubes are light on. 

What do you think the damage is?
