Can anyone explain cable risers?

Can anyone explain why cable risers do or dont work to improve the sound. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by rok2id

They do nothing except seperate you from your money. It's called wealth transfer.
"Funny MY cable risers are empty toilet paper rolls."

Elizabeth, you are a Paragon of practicality. You can even make nonsense sound sensible.
" something for the eye to behold and cause you to say 'you are my cables aren't you?'. Then it makes the cable feel important and in turn the it makes the owner feel proud"

Does this apply to Elizabeth and her cables? Remember, they be on toilet paper thingys. :)
Is there ANY phenomenon, man-made or natural, that DOES NOT affect high end audio systems? Is there any phenomenon in nature or man-made that an audiophile CANNOT hear? This includes anything occurring in the Milky Way.