Can a system sound too Holographic?

Hi friends :)

So I got a question for those interested. For me, having a 2 channel system with a Holographic soundstage is very desirable.

I bring this up because I had lent some Centerstage 2 footers ( isolation devices) to a friend to try out. To make a long story short, he likes what they are doing under his Lumin T3, however he mentioned that it might be "Too Holographic". I don't know about you guys and gals, but that wouldn't really be a problem for me. Your thoughts or experiences please. Anyone experience a soundstage that was too Holographic?


Showing 1 response by rogerh113

Yes, it is like everything else in music.  Through a bit of tuning, the system is now on the verge of too holographic, such that the artifacts are occasionally a distraction. 

Not muted or distorted.  When you have a bell, or percussion instrument protruding into the room about 5 feet, it can take away from the music and just be distracting.  If it was not on the recording, it would not be there.  It is not just noise.

A cable upgrade got it there, and now it is pretty interesting when the artifacts happen.  I like it when things are tuned to the edge (optimal).  I could get one more of the cable set in my system, and it would likely push it over the top.  Not going there.

I remember someone telling me that their system was so resolving that they could hear the drummer fart.  Not really interested in that, so best to keep it inaudible in the background....