Can a Quality Full Range Speaker be the Limiting Component in a system?

Can a quality full range speaker be the limiting component in a system?

Can it be surpassed by the quality / performance of the upstream chain? Therefore, becoming the bottleneck for overall system performance?

No? Why?

Yes? How so?

Examples for both scenarios, if you have them.

For the sake of argument, assume that the speaker's performance has been fully optimized. In other words, the room, cabling, isolation, setup/positioning etc are not factors. In other words, assume it's the best it can be.

Thank You!

Note: this is not about any specific speaker I own or have demo'd/heard. 

Showing 1 response by boxer12

I haven't found my speakers to be the bottleneck. Been running Lowthers (with a sub) for a long time & still hear a difference (improvement or not) when replacing electronics, wires, feet, etc. I have these so zeroed in now (which took a lot of time) that I have little desire to start over with different speakers. Just my experience...