Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)

Showing 1 response by nrgcustomcables

No matter what the voltage is at your outlet, the idea is to get as much of it to your gear as possible, so the age-old counterpoint/argument "what about all the wiring between the power plant and your house?" is moot.
Voltage drop, and the corresponding performance loss that results from it, is real and it’s scientifically measurable. Unfortunately, every power cord suffers from it, but to widely varying degrees - up to a 3% voltage drop is considered "acceptable" in power cord manufacturing.
If your amp is only fed 117 volts, it will not produce the same amount of power/performance as when it is fed 120 volts. Simple.

With that said, you certainly don’t need a power cable costing 4 or 5 figures to combat/minimize voltage drop.
Is there snake oil out there? Of course there is! How else can a company justify a $10,000+ power cord?
However, the mere existence of snake oil does not negate the existence of voltage drop and its effects.

Try some different cables with different gauges and go from there.

Cheers and good luck!