Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?

5% in relation to a stock power cord.

I can’t really trust dealer comments. I am more interested in reports from audiophiles. 
Whats your story? Did you manage to increase speed and resolution of your amp ? (without losses in the bass area)

Showing 3 responses by georgehifi

I have heard minute differences with some upgraded
Could that maybe read "I think I have heard minute differences with some upgraded  (and somewhat inexpensive) power cords." 
If so bet in a blind A/B that "think" would be even more emphasised to the point of maybe the wind changed direction, or the amp came up to it's heat stable bias setting.

anyone who buys or considers buying a >3K power cord should have their head examined and fully deserve to have their wallet drained.
I  just looked at these and it's $5k for the 2mt one and $7K for the 3mt one!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers George 

Well, in the case of the new Hurricane power cord from Audioquest you can attribute part of its very high performance to wire diectionality

Once again, a wire that acts like a diode, "snake oil". Brilliant it's trying to rectify the mains, which is AC (alternating current) and changes 60 x a second, more "snake oil"

Cheers George