Can a monitor sound like a floorstander??

Don't know if I should put on a flame suit before I ask such a question..but is there? Classical music is my preference and I'm currently using Focus Audio FS688 monitors- they're very good at what they do--obviously better for chamber music than orchestral. I've heard that the Harbeth monitor 40's are great, but they are about the size of a floorstader. Can one get full sounding classical music through a speaker like Sonus Faber Guarneri, Dynaudio C1, or is a floorstander really the only way to go with classical music. I can really only bring my speakers out @ 3feet from the wall. My equipment is:
Ayre V-5xe
Ayre C-5xe
Running Springs Jaco power conditioner

Thank for your help and suggestions!


Showing 2 responses by analogtroll

Have you listened to the GamuT L3? I found it to be an amazing speaker that can handle anything you throw at it.
I thought the question was can a monitor sound like a floorstander, not an extreme LF floorstander. You can get some very deep bass with the Gamut speakers.