Can a $750 system sound good?

Join our interactive Listenupaudio live streaming show tonight at 7 pm EST on Twitch to discuss tonights topic of getting started in higher end audio. We’ll also touch on why 4 ohm speakers take more power to drive than 8 ohm speakers for those new to this hobby of ours. Click on the links below to see what we’re about.


Showing 1 response by prismdissonant

Easily. (Good =/= Great).

Any older NAD Power Envelope, T761 etc, pre-HDMI Denon receiver, locally available tube receiver, occasional bargain Carver etc. $200 - $250

Craigslist floorstanders somebody doesn't want to move. Allison 7, CV D-5, Thiel CS2, vintage Wharfedale, recent Klipsch/Polk. $200 - $500

PS3 for CDs. $50 or less. If there's money left over a Marantz DVD player or any laserdisc player ~$70 - $150.