Can a $3K table be among the best out there?

I am on the market for a $3K turntable. I am going back to analog after a number of years so I know little of current market. So, I did some research and stumbled across the Townshend Rock 7 and WT Amadeus tables. I've read a lot about them.. The impression one gets after reading user comments or reviews (like TAS reviews for instance) is that it's hard to get a better table, period. In a world where you can easily spend $4K on a tonearm, I found these statements to be surprising to say the least. What's so special about these turntables, and can anyone comment on the notion that it's hard to beat their performance at any price?

Showing 1 response by vinylmad814


What sort of shortcomings do you find with the VPI classic? It just so happens I was thinking of either one of those 2 Dynavector MC's you mentioned and perhaps at a later date, going for the VPI Classic.