Cambridge Dacmagic? Real improvmt or hype?

I have zero appreciable diff using this dac and wondering if it is real or hype or am I not hooking it up properly. I have a McCormack DNA-1 / Adcom GFP 750/ and Rotel RDV 1050. Also connected a western digital media player into the dac.
I use optical toslink to connect cd and media player to the dac and then analog rca from dac to preamp?
Would using the balanced outputs make a significant diff?
Glass toslink is the way to go, you may want to try that out before moving on. A quick google search for one will yield several options, some inexpensive.
I love Toslink myself. But that shouldn't matter. I'm more likely to believe that the dacmagic is your weak spot considering the rest of your gear. IMHO. Have you considered trying out some other higher-end dacs in your rig? You may be surprised.

Wow you guys are the terrific! I have enough suggestions to follow to keep me busy till New Years. Thank you so much for all your responses. Thanks so much
I have never been able to notice a difference between coax and toslink, on either the dac magic I used to own, or my current dac, which is a PS Audio DL III. But I bet if you went and spent $1000 on a digital coax cable, you might just be able to convince yourself that it makes a difference ;-)
If you need to use toslink, glass is the only way to go. I use a Sonicwave glass toslink cable that I bought for about $25 on Amazon. Beat every plastic (aka fiber optic) cable I've tried.