Cambridge CXC: Help finding a small, programmable remote?

After much research and searching, I was pleased to purchase and receive the Cambridge CXC transport. As some mentioned, the CXC remote is ungainly, crammed with buttons for other products I don't intend to purchase.

Does anyone have a lead on a small, programmable remote — something the size of a Roku remote? This makes much more sense. Having input buttons for specific tracks would be nice, too. (Cannot *believe* they left those off. FFS.)

Hopefully any answers might also help folks with other products who, like me, hate their remote.

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

As some mentioned, the CXC remote is ungainly, crammed with buttons for other products I don’t intend to purchase.
And the buttons needed are all at the bottom, where one hand operation is awkward to hold and press.
Get a cheap ebay learning remote which has no buttons needed the bottom 1/3 of it.

This ones expensive

But there are 1600 others to choose from

Cheers George