Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus Power Supply Question

Hi,Does anyone who owns a DacMagic Plus upgrade the "Wall Wart" power supply to something more substantial? If you did, have you realized an improvement in SQ and can you explain the improvement? Additionally, where did you source the upgraded power supply and what was the cost? I really like this little overachiever and would like to squeeze the best possible performance out of it. The unit sounds great as it is, but would a better power supply improve it further? Just as a note, my interface cabling is of very good quality as is my power conditioning.

Thank you! I really appreciate your feedback!

Showing 1 response by kamainacraig

To answer your question YES - a better power supply will definitely improve the performance.  The sBooster made a noticeable increase in SQ in my system  -increased bass, soundstage and imaging were immediately noticed, along with increased clarity in vocals ( words to well known songs that had been uncertain before were now becoming recognizable). I got mine from Upscale Audio here in California, ~ $400. I had reservations about spending $400 on a dac that cost $550 when new, but not after it was in my system. Try it out, Upscale offers a return policy if you are not satisfied. Order it specifically for the DacMagic Plus and it will come with the necessary adapter. 

My system: Sony C222ES to DacMagic to Rogue Pharaoh to Martin Logan Montis via Black Cat coax, Darwin Ascension + and Goertz Veracity cabling, respectively