Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus Power Supply Question

Hi,Does anyone who owns a DacMagic Plus upgrade the "Wall Wart" power supply to something more substantial? If you did, have you realized an improvement in SQ and can you explain the improvement? Additionally, where did you source the upgraded power supply and what was the cost? I really like this little overachiever and would like to squeeze the best possible performance out of it. The unit sounds great as it is, but would a better power supply improve it further? Just as a note, my interface cabling is of very good quality as is my power conditioning.

Thank you! I really appreciate your feedback!

Showing 1 response by adg101

I have a Cambridge 851C and by itself it is a fine player and the DAC inside it is a step up from the DacMagic plus. I run my 851C with Synergistic Black fuses and a WyWires Silver Juice II Digital power cord which has really transformed the Cambridge. The DacMagic is a great little DAC and no doubt changing to a LPS is going to improve things but if you want a big step up in performance I’d look at other DAC’s. I still have my 851C but now run it into a RME ADI 2fs DAC and even with its switched power supply it pounced on the Cambridge. Later I did add a Teddy Pardo LPS to my RME and it did improve things across the board.