Cambridge Audio Azur 851N

Fellow audiophiles,

Does anyone have any experience with Azur851N? How good it sounds? I have had Olive 4HD and Sonos in my HT setup and looking for a better sound. I do fair amount of streaming off Spotify and Amazon and got lot of music stored on my FAT32 USB drive. Azur851N looks very promising (atleast on paper). I will be pairing this unit with a Classe SSP800 and B&W 803's. Any comments or feedback is greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by hikoki

Hi everyone. I have just bought the CXN v2, the sound quality is good ,but not as impressive as I had expected. I had been comparing it against the very cheap Chromecast Audio and the difference, at least to my ears, was very subtle. Has anyone had/owned/ both the CXN and the 851N and could offer comparison impressions ? I am still able to rerurn the CXN. Any respomse much appreciated!Thanks a lot,

Thanks for replying. I have a new system, still running everything in: Marantz pm6006, Dali Zensor 5 and the CXN. I also use the DT 880 600ohm with a headphone amp iFi iCan. It might just be the system needs to settle in and so do my aging ears need to get accustomed to the new sound.
Would you say an upgrade to the Cambridge 851 would make a difference in this system?