Cambridge Audio 840C plus Benchmark DAC1?

I'm considering buying the Benchmark DAC1, and was wondering if anyone had any experience of the Benchmark with the Cambridge Audio 840C v2 (ie 'upgrading' the CA DAC to the Benchmark, and using the 840C as a transport).



CD player (1): Cambridge Audio 840C v2
CD Player (2): Audio Alchemy DDS v3.0 Transport, Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0 DAC, DTI v2.0 jitter reducing processor

Amp: Cambridge Audio 840A v2

Speakers: B&W N805 with Foundation I stands, Chord Carnival Silver Bi-wire speaker cable

Cables: various Van den Hul and Tara Labs interconnects


The audio Alchemy sounds great with rock music (and electronica), but the 840C sounds much better with jazz music (especially recordings from the ECM, Cam Jazz and ACT labels), and since this is what I listen most to, I was wondering if the Benchmark dac would improve all-round detail, clarity, soundstage and bass. I listened to one yesterday (here in Hong Kong) and my test CDs (ie the jazz albums I usually listen to) sounded superb, but it was being used in conjunction with a whole range of different equipment and cables.

If not the Benchmark, any other suggestions at around that budget (US$1000)?

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