Calling Vandersteen Treo owners

Simple question.... Are the Treo a big step up over the 2ce sig ii and why. They aren’t an efficient speaker for tubes. RV said I’ll have no issue with my setup. Could always drive the lower end with a different amp. Just curious what others have to say going from 2ce sigs to Treo have to say. I am looking at a set built on 2011 or 2012. Thanks for your input. 
@pstores please do visit ! Plan in advance as I split time here and Seattle. IF you make it to Seattle, you can hear the 7 and ruin your 409K
seriously, I think Johnny R has some used Treo CT from owners who upgraded to Quattro or higher - give him a shout.
Also, Audiogon guest here tonight got to hear Lordes - Royals on the 40 wpc NAIM.... pretty freaking awesome IMO

it would have made my Quad ESL-63 puke....
Recently sold my Treo CT's with the help of Johnny at Audio Connection after upgrading to Quatro CTs.  I really enjoyed the Treo but the upgrade bug and dual subs in the the Quatro's were calling for me.

The Treo's are great speakers but definitely were a gateway for me to get into the higher Vandersteen lines!
Sort of off topic here, but I was saddened when Richard stopped offering the 5A loudspeakers.  I bought a pair about 10 years ago, and marvel nearly every day at how wonderful they are.  I got them, of course, from the great Mr. Rutan, who I speak with often.  
And as a bonus, I am now driving them with a Music Reference RM9SE amp, with an RM5 preamp.  Once I learned that the late great (RIP) Roger died I had to purchase one of the three remaining masterpiece amplifiers he made.