Calling all ZYX aficionados

I am considering purchasing a ZYX Airy 3X. I do not know if my Atma-Sphere MP-3 will work with the low output Airy.
I am using a Koetsu Rosewood Sign., which is .6mV. I have used a Denon DL-103R which has .43mV with no problem. I have a pair of S&B TX-103 step up transformers installed in the MP-3, which gives me 26 db more again.
I am using a Teres 245, with a Teflon platter, and a Morch DP-6 arm.
Thank you for your comments

Showing 1 response by dgad

Raul dislikes the ZYX cartridges by quite some margin as you can see from his other threads. He is right about the Dynavector being a great cartridge as per his opinion & that of several others. I do know some people who prefer other cartridges over the Dynavector. It is currently the cartridge of choice in some very high end audio systems. So is the ZYX, Koetsu Platinums and more. His assesment of the ZYX should be titled IN MY PERSONAL OPINION. There are people who love ZYX & some who don't. Lets not blow up this thread to another Raul bashing thread & just ignore his absolute style of posting.