calling all vandy 5a owners

hi guys
i`ve had my 5a`s now for about a month,i have about 200 hrs. on system consist of 2 bel canto 200.2 amps monoed blocked,ar sp16 pre.,cary 306/200 speakers before were vandy 2ce sigs.i loved the sound but wanted more.i am writing this thread because i need your help,the sound i am getting from the 5`s is not that dealer is soon coming to tune them up is this what they need.did you owners run into the same thing?your help is appreciated

Showing 2 responses by jkphoto

Marakanetz ... you have missed the point.

The thing is there is no "getting used to it" with the Vandersteen 5a's ... anyone can make them sound dark, bright or right in their room.

Other speakers may require 2,000 hours to get used to it, but not these.
I own 5's ... be patient ... right now, without tuning, they are just like any other speaker, dependent on the room. The tuning will change that.

Remember, your job right now is to try to find the right placement in the room without the subs operating. Unplug them and try different room positions. Pick the one that gives you the best imaging and mid-bass and up tonality. The dealer will then tune the bass to that position. This procedure is what separates them from other speakers.

But the first step is up to you ... the dealer will not find the correct room position in the short visit he will be there.