calling all vandy 5a owners

hi guys
i`ve had my 5a`s now for about a month,i have about 200 hrs. on system consist of 2 bel canto 200.2 amps monoed blocked,ar sp16 pre.,cary 306/200 speakers before were vandy 2ce sigs.i loved the sound but wanted more.i am writing this thread because i need your help,the sound i am getting from the 5`s is not that dealer is soon coming to tune them up is this what they need.did you owners run into the same thing?your help is appreciated

Showing 1 response by hi5harry

Yes, the 200 hour mark was about where my speakers started comming around. Then I tuned the bass and found most of the gains were actually in the mids. I think your dealer will be able extract the most out of these speakers. When they get fully broken in, I think you will be VERY happy