Calling all Sonic Frontiers "Power" amp users...

I have the Sonic Frontiers Power 1 amp. I want to get some feedback from other users about....

1) Has anyone had their unit upgraded by Chris Johnson (former head of SF) at Parts Connexion? Was it a good, easily noticable, upgrade?

2) I still run my Power 1 with Svetlana 6550C tubes. What do you run? How do you like it?

3) My input tubes are still the Sovtek 6922s that came with the Power 1. Has anyone upgraded the input tubes?

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by mtqpier

I got a SFS-50 with a Line-1. I replace the 3MP Sovtek 6922 of my Line-1 and the 4 JJ/Tesla E88CC of my SFS-50 for 5MP of 6H23N-EB from Reflektor(bought at Parts Connexion). Wow, what a difference. The midrange was really natural now. It's more analogue than digital. And the low frequency is more precise with more definition. It's like if there are no more glare in front of me (the black is blackier like they said). I got 4 Svetlana 6550c in my SFS-50 and it's great. I try 4 Svetlana KT-88 for a week-end(pass to me by a friend) and it was better in the high and a little bite more in the base and mid. So much that my next power tubes will be KT-88.
Instead of upgrading your Power-1 why not sold it and buy a Power-2. I think it will cost you the same amount and you will have a 110w/ch. Or change your CD player for a better one and buy new tubes.