Calling all indie rockers...

Is there anybody out there?

The whole idea of Hi-Fi doesn't particularly lend itself to the often low quality recordings in the indie rock world, but I'm a music lover, not a gear lover. And for me, the indie scene is responsible for most of the best music being made today (exceptions being Radiohead, Beck, Flaming Lips, and a few others). So, anybody up for a thread of their favorite indie albums of say, the last decade? Here's my quick list:

1. Sunny Day Real Estate - How it feels to be something on (Sub Pop, 1998)
2. Yo La Tengo - I can hear the heart beating as one (Matador, 1997)
3. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (Matador, 2002)
4. Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun (Fat Cat, 2000)
5. Grandaddy - The Software Slump (V2, 2000) is V2 an indie?

Okay indie rockers, I know you're out there...

Showing 1 response by jdlepera

1.Air The French Band[All] 2.Sigur Ros-() also 3.Porcupine Tree-All except perhaps last release. 4.Mercury Rev 5.Peace Orchestra ,also Kruder & Dorfmeister 6.The Larry's-Oxymorons [For Frank Zappa fans]Great Music and Hilarious!Hard to find.[] Frank would love this! Seems the best and most interesting music for a while is Electronic and now reviving Psychedelica.Ravenettes anyone?JD