Calling All Ex - Shindo Preamp Owners


I am currently using and enjoying my Shindo Masseto preamp, but there is always an eye to see what else is out there. Terribly promiscuous, I know. To be clear, I am not trying in any way to disparage Shindo preamps (they are great), but was  curious whether there are any ex-Shindo preamp owners out here - I would love to get some insight into what convinced you to move on and to which other brand(s) you moved on to (and why). Thank you!



It's an old generation, circa around 2012 or earlier--made by the father, Ken.  Probably not as neutral as the newer models from his son.

Whilst this is esteemed company as I listen to this review 


I went fully balanced with Audio Research with tube output Ref CD9 into the SS combo LS10SE and D240 MKII. Awesome resolution from the quad DAC’s in the CDP. So a fully balanced channel from source to speakers (L’Instrument by Viking Acoustics.

A different path, that’s all.

Thanks @johnread57 for sharing your experience. Much appreciated. Personally, I have moved on to Dartzeel power amp, EMIA autoformer (passive preamp), and Audible Illusions M3B. 

I owned the Messeto then later the Vosne-Romanee. I wound up moving to an all Jadis system. Back then, 15 years ago, there were very few dealers And they were so finicky in how they did business, also the company being so small and not letting you buy extra tubes made me feel insecure about the product. I did like the Messeto better that the Vosne-Romanee which was a disappointment as well. Therefore I decided to give it up rather that buy their amps and the whole system. I did buy the wires tho. Sold it all basically because of Shindo company policies at the time.