Calling all electricians for advice on wiring home

I am about to have an electrician in the area install a dedicated line from my electrical panel to 2 outlets I use for my audio and video gear. I am wondering if there are important considerations for wiring choice (gauge?), breakers, and other things to consider. Just want clean uninterrupted power without the fridge, rheostats, etc on the circuit. How would you do it up? I would think it is very straight forward but wanted to consult you guys. Thanks. Dave

Showing 1 response by gunbei

Damn Shventus!

What you went through to install your circuits sounds similar to Navy SEAL training.

To liven things up next time you decide to crawl under your house, make sure to set up some barbed wire barriers and have your wife hide a few claymore mines in random spots.

Better yet, hire Slappy!