Calling all electricians for advice on wiring home

I am about to have an electrician in the area install a dedicated line from my electrical panel to 2 outlets I use for my audio and video gear. I am wondering if there are important considerations for wiring choice (gauge?), breakers, and other things to consider. Just want clean uninterrupted power without the fridge, rheostats, etc on the circuit. How would you do it up? I would think it is very straight forward but wanted to consult you guys. Thanks. Dave

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

You have already answered your own question. Tell your electrician to run your new wire on the side of the breaker box NOT shared with your Fridge (or whatever).

You may have to move a few breakers to get that side of the breaker box "pristine clean," away from all possible noise generating sources in your home. Other than that, go with Hospital grade (or at the very least, commercial grade) outlets and 10 gauge wire.

If not 10 gauge, NO less than 12, even for a five foot run and the electrician is stamping his feet over the difficulty of pulling heavy Romex copper and telling you it won't matter.
Your story reminds me of when I went under my house a few years ago to run the PVC pipe for my long runs of interconnect.

I had been in total darkness for about half an hour, except for the small flashlight that was resting between my face and the earth. I could only see a few feet beyond that small pool of light.

I sensed something moving off to my left and turned my head. In the dark I could see two glowing eyes moving slowly toward me. I banged my head on the 2X4 runners reaching my hand around to grip the flashlight and when I aimed the beam toward the light I saw my tortoise shell colored kitty cat smiling at me.

I still can't believe she jumped into the scuttle hole to find me. I was never so glad to see a cat in my life.