Call me very, very lucky

hate to brag, but this past weekend, my wife came home with a new couch for our living room, where our system is set up front and center. The delivery guy moved it in, she cleared out some stuff and end tables that no longer had room, and then she told me, "Tonight you'll need to get this all set up right so it still sounds good. Just figure out where exactly this needs to go."

Now THAT'S what I call a chore ;)

I'm wondering, how many zillions of good deeds in my past life did I do to deserve this? A wife that not only loves the fact our living room is a listening room, but who also ASSIGNS me the job of making sure it sounds good?


Showing 1 response by nilthepill

You are lucky indeed. I have to do all the moving tweak behind her back, when She is away with kids to friends or take a sick day,(may buy some goodies) and install! I confess, when there itch to tweak, the stress just kills me!