California Audio Show ths wknd bttr than expected

If you live in the SF Bay Area, I encourage to attend the show today or tomorrow (7/31-8/1) in Emeryville. It's a small show, as first-year shows tend to be, but it exceeded my expectations with several excellent rooms. Only if people attend in decent numbers this year is there a chance for this to be a regular event, which would be a great thing. Lots of local companies not showing this year but if the show does well, maybe they will next.

Congratulations to Constantine Soo.
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We had debut Simon Yorke S10 with Convergent Audio's Pre amp& Amp.I chose to use the Quads 2805 because the are tonally honest and affordable, just to show you can how a great turntable and amplification can be used with an affordable speaker. The Quads were in a rather small room 12x18, being a dipole with a large 10 feet by 8 feet tall window behind was not ideal but show conditions are such. I though we got about 65% of the sound the system was capable of which not bad. Several attendees told me it was there favorite room of the show... so for that it was all worthwhile. Thanks to all who took the time to come in for a listen.