CAL Delta or Theta Data II as transport?

Currently using my Sony 7700 DVD as transport to EVO Millenium DAC II, and wondered if it would be worth moving to a mid-level(?) dedicated cd transport. The CAL and Theta units are frequently available used for $400-500. Other suggestions welcome but like to stay under $1000 used.

How much to you lose at this level compared to the Wadia, Levenson, etal?

Many thanks in advance for sharing your experences.

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Having never heard the Theta Basic II, Theta Pearl, or Wadia WT-2000 I can only comment on my experience with the CAL Delta as compared with a Pioneer DV414 (unmodified) used as a transport. My DAC is a Bel Canto. -- The Pioneer presents a slightly wider and more forward sound stage (about 2' in front of my speakers). The lower midrange is more full sounding (perhaps accentuated) and imaging is less well focussed. -- The CAL Delta has better focus and does not present a forward image (starts at the speakers and extends back from there - the term laid back comes to mind). As compared with the Pioneer the CAL Delta draws no particular attention to itself and I find it to be musical in that I find myself listening to the music and feeling comfortable with the tonality of the instruments. -- As mentioned many times on this forum, the components of a system taken together create the effect we listen to so here is the rest of mine: AES/Cary AE3 tube pre (upgraded caps), AES/Cary AE-25 tube amp (upgraded caps), Anaysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables, and Moth Audio Cicada speakers. All are run through a PS Audio P300 using Silver Audio Power Burst power cords. Having tried several digital cables (DH Labs D-75, Illuminations D-60, Van den Hul the Second) and interconnects (DH Labs BL-1, Silver Audio Silver Bullet, Harmonic Technology Truth Link, Van den Hul the Second) I am most pleased in this system with the least expensive D-75 digital cable and Monster Cable M350i (a big surprise to me) between CDP, Pre, and Amp.