Cain & Cain Abbeys and Lowther drivers

Has anyone used Lowther deivers instead of the original Fostex drivers.I have a pair of DX4's and have been wondering how they might sound in Abbey's. Are the cutout and bolt patterns the same? Looks to me they would be. Would this be a good match? Again looks like it would be. Thank you!
Dx4 is a 8in, fe166e is a 6in, time to cut some wood. Why not just use your dx4 in a hedlund or large voight pipe like abbys cabinet.
Will it work -- as in produce sound? For sure.

Would this be a good match? Assuming you mean better than the Fostex (166?) I doubt it -- but you never know.

Here are the measured TS parametres for the Dx4's and hereis N. Pass' trials with a number of drivers incl. the Fostex & the Dx4.

Alternatively, you may wish to just try them out... it ain;t gonna be difficult! Cheers