Cables ... what's up with them?

Can't quite come to terms with spending significant amounts on cables / interconnects. Looking for moderately priced IC's, I came across Phantom Cables (at; $100 for 3 ICs). Figured had to sound better than the stuff that came with the cable box and DVR I bought. A marked downgrade in audio enjoyment transpired. Which is true?

Better cables revealed weaknesses elsewhere in the system?
Have to spend WAY more to get real improvement?
I have gritty tastes

Right now I'm sold on the crap that came with the cable box

I just replaced the $3 Y-adapters (needed to biamp) with $10 ones recommended by Paul Speltz of Anti-Cables ( What a HUGE difference in overall sound and bass in particular! Sound is now worth the upgrades to the Nautilus 804's & 2nd Bryston amp. I've stopped looking at subs even. Still using crap for IC's, but ordered an Anti-Cable set.
Didn't read the whole thread, but FWIW, many people in the industry (for instance Robert Harley, editor of TAS) recommend spending no more than about 5% of your total system budget on the cabling. While they can make a difference, every other part of the system will make much bigger differences in the overall sound.