Cables to settle brightness

Any suggestions on a cable brand for interconnects and power cables to settle down some brightness?

I have Wireworld at the moment which I might send back.

As I move up the food chain in my system it is getting higher resolving but the treble has gotten a bit forward for me.

I added a PS Audio PowerPlant which is greatly improved the SQ, but now the treble is a little too much. Now it might settle down with burn in, but I’m not sure.

Any suggestions?




Showing 2 responses by herman

I think you bring up a very importanr point. Ideally you want your components to sound perfect together before working on cable / interconnects.

exactly. If you are trying to use cables as tone controls to dull it down then you need to back up and figure out why your system is too bright to begin with.

Herbs and spices should never be used to modify the flavor of a dish.

You should always achieve the exact flavor you are aiming for through the choice and combination of the primary ingredients.

If we are using food analogies we should use one that fits the situation

If your primary ingredients are not good, you can't make a superior dish by adding herbs and spices. You may make it edible, but it would be much better if your primary ingredients were better to begin with.