Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?

Showing 50 responses by audiolabyrinth

@ tls49,, I figured it out and went to all the threads!, very funny and cool! thankyou, can you come up with more?,, cheers!
Cheers!!!,,, Cables RuLE!,,, The Taralabs zero gold,omega gold is the most beutiful sounding cable I have ever heard, bar none!, this cable does it all!
@ jmcgrogan2,, Thats funny you said that, at the cost of these cables, that I do not agree with, I believe they should do all that you said,LOL!,,,very good since of humor!,, you got a chuckle out of me!,,, thanks john,, Happy listening!
@ Bo1972, Thanks Bo, That meant alot coming from you with all you vast experience with cables!,, cheers!
I agree with jmcgrogan2!,, sorry Phillyb!,, I had a Krell authorized repair shop tell me to use studio cables!,LOL!,,,cheers!
@ zd542,, very good point made!, I enjoyed the context you put things!, self explainatory!,, cheers!
@ Bjesien,, Ha, Ha!, Thats Hilarious!, I like to read and laugh, thankyou, very enjoyable post you posted!
@ Zd542,, Are you serious?,, Forreal?, Where do I find that thread? thankyou, cheers!
@ zd542,, I am sorry, you have taken me the wrong way!, I hate and dispise arguments of audio!, I will not involve myself in that!, I do not like insults toward me or toward eany body else!, I try to carry myself like a gentleman and expect the same in return, zd542, I just like to laugh and kid around and have a little fun with everyone!, no insults!, I like to here jokes told to me or get bewildered by what someone thinks, like cables don't make a difference!, now that is funny!, cheers!
@ Zd542, Thankyou for the good guy compliment, I do try to avoid negativity!I am new to audiogon, so please excuse me if at times I may sound a little crazy!,all of the members have been talking to each other a long time, and it seems at times they do not like someone new!,, cheers!
@ zd542,, Thankyou so much!, You my friend are a real gentleman!,,Happy listening!
@ audiozen,,Thats some very good info you have here!, However, The t.v.stations,recording studios,local radio stations cannot afford real cables!, The cables you are reffering to are junk!, I do know some world class recording studios and music venues like carnege hall, that use top tier Taralabs cables thru -out!, cheers!
@ audiozen, Hi, I have never heard a recording that sounded like it was realistic sounding from the 50's and 6o's!, I believe those recordings that you are referring to were sought after for the music that was on them recordings only, not because of the quality of the recordings!, and I agree, the 50's and 60's recordings are sought after!,, In reality, not by anybody in their 20's or early 30's, just ole folks that are in their mid 50's to 75 years of age!, LOL! I am getting there, I am 46, I do like some 60's music, Janis joplin, the stones,jimie hendrix, etc..., the 50's, I have listened to alot of that, ask me what I just listened to, LOL!, I would not have a clue!,, cheers!
@ audiozen, Please forgive me, I am only 46 years of age, that should explain it to you, what do I know?, I never said I listened to an audiophile recording from that time period, I said I heard recordings that did not sound that good to me from that time period, your choices of that time period looks to be some sort of state of the art recordings from that time period that I really know nothing about,LOL!, Happy listening!
@ zd542,, LOL!, You are a nut!, give examples!, I give it to ya, straight foward you are!,, you made me laugh in your favor,,cheers!
@ zd542,,LOL! You got me laughing again!, please excuse me!, your contexts are hilarious! I am not aware of that happening my self! would be cool!, one station or studio would sound better than the next!, I think we are on to something!, how can the both of us make something like this really happen?, the cable companys would make alot of money thru promotion of the product!, lets get paid!, I am not kidding!,, cheers!
@ Mresseguie, once bitten, Its over!, there gos all the money!However, given very good cables the reward is huge!, cheers!
LOL!, I totally agree with jmcmcgrogan2, waxwaves, The excitement will be on their faces!, lucky for me my wife does not give me those looks!, She looks at me with intensapation of whats getting ready to happen!cheers!
These last two post are a real reality!,Teach the kids to love music!, buy them an instrument, give them lessons!, when they are babys, play clasical music at low volumes at the crib!,, LOL!, by the time they are our age, well?, they will be like us!, Audiophiles!, How do I know?,LOL!, This happened to me!, cheers!
@ mitch2, I enjoyed reading your post, very well written!, however, I am one of the gentlemen you are referring to!, I believe cables are, if not more important than eanything in a system!, Thats my many, many years experience!, Its just an opinion!, like yours!, my cables cost way more than my entire system cost!, and my system is an exspensive one to me!, I have about $65,000.00 retail price!, Of course I do not Have that kind of money into it!, LOL!,I try to save money!, cheers to you!
@ zd542, I own the Taralabs Zero gold I/c, Taralabs omega gold speaker cables, Omega jumper cables, and in the process in getting the rest of the loom!, The Taralabs cobalt a/c power cable!, I know, I am crazy!, I really like the sound of these cables!, Happy listening!
@ Bo1972, I love your post here, I realized cables were the game changer all the way back in 1996 and 1997, when I used The Taralabs the one with grounding stations, and the Taralabs the one speaker cables to silence the laughing on a spectral, avalon, mit system!, I took the spectral amp out and replaced it with a Krell fpb 600, and ripped out all of the top of the line mit cables that had these ridiculous boxes in the signal path on the cables!The Krell, Taralabs combo put a priceless look on their faces, I will never forget as long as I live!, It was proven to all that laughed at what I was doing, The Taralabs cables are better than mit cables, and Krell was way more musical than spectral!,, cheers!
@ waxwaves, That was the best review you have ever wrote!, If I was A publisher for high-end audio, I would ask you to use this!,, you got humor, truth,and then the joy of music all wrapped up into one review!, cheers!
@ Johnsonwu, Hi, Have you tried the Taralabs zero gold interconnects, omega gold speaker cables, cobalt a/c power cables???, LOL!, whats funny is that these cables are copper, and I can tell you that they have as much or more focus than the best silver cables in the world!, and the state of the art body of sound to boot!, I bought these cables over nordost odins, which was a little faster, but it ends there!, the Taras sounded a little warmer and more musical!, not so analitical sounding as the odins!, now thats on my system, I have seen where the odins sounded better on a diferent kind of system than what I have, I use solid state componets and tube componets,with JBL speakers, To me, the Taralabs cables mentioned above had the most realistic sound I know of!, they, As Bo would put it, sounded like the real event of music!,, Happy listening!
@ Bo1972, Hi, I know everyone at Taralabs, I believe if you wanted to sell their cables there in the neitherlands, I can make that happen!, regardless of what happened to the distributor there!, you can be the new distributor!, As we both know, there is no such cable as the best because of system synergies are different, I believe adding Taralabs to your list of available products will also be part of some of your shows where customers can experience real sound like some of the other brands of cables you sell do!,adding more variety never hurts your sales, and the cable brand will up hold your reputation as best sound at the shows!, I recommend selling the 0.8ex on up the cable food chain to the top model!, and you could be part of premiering Taralabs new top cables coming out at the years end, They have not had to make a new top cable for 14 years!, so, you can imagine the rest of the industry would take another 8 to 14 years to rival their new top cable again, they will have in addition to the new top cable, a new line as well made just fow wide band amplifiers and componets!, I have been friends with Taralabs since 1996!, As a matter of fact they have offered me to be a dealer!, would be nice!, thou I can sell their cables, I do not have the capital to go for it, maybe one day soon, but not today!,,, cheers!
@ Bo1972, Audioquest must have came a very long way since I last listened to one of their cables!,I suppose a cable brand could get better over 10 years, thats the last time I gave all their models a spinn!,, cheers!
@ bo1972, Hi, you confirmed that the progress happened in the last few years, just as I suspected!, Thats great!, I would like to go and hear some of the new audioquest cables, just to see how far they came along!, However, I just bought the top of the line Taralabs cobalt a/c power cord today!, retail $5,000.00 for 6ft!, Its said this power cord out performs most power cords at eany price point!, well see!, I just want it to sound good for me!, Thanks Bo1972, cheers my friend!
Go A head Bo1972, Do not let everyone think I am crazy for getting a $5,000.00 a/c power cord!, tell them what your Purist Audio Design Limited edition power cord cost!!!, I believe it cost more than mine!!!, give them the u.s.d. price, or they can find out on their own!!LOL!, I my self am not about what something cost!, Its about Quality as you said!, This power cable has it in spades!,, cheers!
@ Johnsonwu, Hi, I hate the high prices of top performing cables!, I believe they, like most top componets are marked up atleast 500%!!!, Do not let Bo1972 fool all of you here!, He bought the p.a.d. 25th anniversary limited edition power cable that cost as much as my power cable, If I am not mistaken,I believe it retails for even more!, I wanted to go thru the wow factor with this a/c power cord, in the past, I did not have good luck with power cords, that was back in the 90s!, I only rented alot of them from the cable company back then, I am litteraly going from a stock power cord on an ayon 2s to the Taralabs cobalt power cord!, I have never owned a after market power cord in my life!, so, I hope you guys wish me the best on being satiesfied with this addition to my system!,,, @ Bvdiman, Hi, I enjoy saving money as well as the next person!, The Taralabs cobalt power cord list for $5,450.00 for the up-graded oyaide terminations!, you seen the cobalt classified!, Guess what!, I bought from the very same seller!, But the blessing of it all is that I did get the up-graded terminations, but I bought a 1-meter Taralabs cobalt for a $1,000.00 free shipping, no pay-pal fees!!!!, Now, I do not know about you, but to have the $5,450.00 sound on my digital player, The audiophile disease got the best of me!, I have waited a very, very long time to get this a/c power cable, the buy was a deal in of life time!!!, now do all of you think I am crazy?, LOL!, maybe like a fox!!!, cheers!
@ Bo1972, Thanks Bobby, As you see from the post above, It may be a couple of months on the Tara cobalt review, I will let all of you know my impresseions with a review.,, cheers!
Hi, I am building a so called super system, for what my family makes for money a year, It will be for us, now to clear my name even further of being crazy!, I also own the matching interconnect to the cobalt power cord, the Taralabs Zero Gold that retails for a whoping $14,950.00 before taxes a meter!, I bought my Taralabs zero gold for $5,665.00 free shipping-no pay-pal fees for that as well!, As you can see here on the audiogon, this interconnect is selling right now on the gon for $8,000.00 and $8,200.00,, LOL!, this should do it!, This should clear my name of being crazy!, I have been blessed by God himself of these deals of a life time!, and I am very thankful to God!, you should hear this system!, It is off the chain real sounding!,, cheers, and Happy listening!
Bo1972, The Taralabs cobalt power cord that I just bought has the same Oyaide plugs!, I have the up-graded version, not the standard version wattgate plugs. cheers!
@ Bvdiman,, Hi, The sellers user name is rebel721, I do not see eany more cobalts for sale, If I were you, I would send him an audiogon message to his user name, He is a really nice guy, his real name is Robert, I know his last name as well, to be polite, I will not post his last name here,when I talked to him by phone last saturday and made a deal, and I paid for the cable the same day, He told me that he had 1 cobalt left!, He said another buyer a few days earlier bought 3 of the cobalts at the same time!, and yes, the up-graded oyaide plugs were done at the factory!, you may tell him audiolabyrinth sent you,or my name keith, the guy who bought one of his cobalts saturday, the cobalt should be here friday!, yipee!, thankyou for the congrats!, However, My krell 700cx is at krell getting totally renewed, it is only 8 years old, but I had a bias problem that another company failed to fix!, so, since shipping is so high on a 180 pound amp, I asked Krell for the works!, that way i will not have to worry no more!, new caps, software, etc... you get the picture!, It is going to be exspensive!, But I love the sound of this amp, so there you go, Its worth it to me!, please post back with what happens with a cobalt for you, good luck!, cheers!
Hi,john is correct!, Taralabs had to put serial numbers on their cables, dateing back a few years ago, my zero gold I/c, and my the one has serial numbers on them, before I took delivery of the zero gold, I authenticated the cable with Taralabs before final payment!, All of my cables are real!, Taralabs are coppied with fake cables out there big time!, as john said, buyers beware, look for the serial numbers on the i/cs and speaker cables!, the a/c power cables, I do not believe they have serial numbers, but their is a way to authenticate the cable, when my cobalt comes tomorrow, Taralabs will tell me on the phone if its genuine!, I have not made them aware of me buying a cobalt yet!, of course they get up-set because they did not make money!,they do not say nothing bad, but you can get the vibe!, LOL! cheers
@ Seikosha, I believe your theory!, Its a gamble!, I can tell you In my case, I have been listening to Taralabs since their company started back in 1985!, I hope being this familar with their sound can help me determine a fake or not!, I have talked to people that got took on a fake, they did not like the sound what so ever!, when they went a listened to the real mccoy, then they knew for sure!, the serial numbers help, but as you explained they are not full proof!, The best way to get a real cable is to buy from the factory like I do most of the time!, the i/c that I have was originally sold at Hanson audio, their in kettering, OH , Thats were I bought it to, Taralabs with the serial nuber told me that was the original place it was shipped from their factory, the original buyer traded in the zero gold 1-meter for a long 3-meter Tara onyx, that does sound better useing very long runs!, 2-meters and down, of course the zero gold sounds better!,,cheers!
@ seikosha, Hi, my Taralabs cobalt a/c power cord come in today!, To my supprise, It had serial numbers on it!, I called Taralabs a.s.a.p., they told me the original owners full name, and that it was made in january,2013!, and it has the top of the line oyaide plugs!,, mmm, maybe their system is full proof!, I will call Taralabs back next week and add my name on their system for this cobalt power cord and the zero gold i/c that I have as the second owner of both!,BTW, this power cord is huge!, the biggest girth I have ever seen!,, Happy listening, I am pumped!
@ Bo1972, Forgive me Bobby, This Is my first a/c power cord, and for it to be one of the state of the art power cords out there,is quite exciting for me! you know how it is to be an audiophile with a new profound up-grade in sound!, Like a kid at christmas time!, yipeee!
sometimes music is all that can make someone Happy!, to some, It may be a sad life, to others, Its all they have!
@ Brownsfan, Good to see you made it here, I Agree with everything you have said!, what an awsome company!cheers to Chris for a quality product that does not break the bank!, Happy listening!
Hi Zd542, My Amp is at Krell, even thou I will be useing the cobalt power cord on my digital player, with out the amp, LOL!, I currently have no tunes!, However, I do want to clear one thing up here, the conversation above I do not remotely fall in any of the catorgorys of people at all, I use a full loom of Taralabs best cables period, I am very happy with the out come of the music!I do not change cables!, I am simply adding more of the matching cables of what I do own! I Am very, very Happy with my set!,, The funny thing is, I have said this many, many times!, I am building a system that I can Ride off into the sunset with!, there you go, I do not have the ocd, obsession, or what ever else there is to say!, I do not care what comes out tomorrow that is better!, a great sound for today will never become obsolete tomorrow! and at the end of the day, my set has complete balance, I have been doing this for so long, and specialize in resonance tunning, that I have never seen a dealer, or distributor do a better set than what I have ever built!, no offense!, please, I am sorry to believe that, I have traveled litterally half the total united states, gave many siminaires in my time about sound systems, etc..., Bo1972, you were not aware you were talking to an ex audio proffesional like your self!, Its ok, I do not want a pissing contest with no one!, I am just tring to have music in my home that does make me and my wife Happy!, cheers genleman!, Happy listening!
@ Zd542, Hi, Thankyou so much in your interest of the sound of the Taralabs cobalt power cord I just bought, I will post my thoughts latter on the sound of the cord, might be fricken november!, my amp will not be back till mid august or september, then I have to break in a renewed Krell 700cx, the cables again, etc... other words my friend, A real pain in the butt I will be going thru here!, As I said, I am litterally getting ready to ride off into the sunset!, The Krell was only 8 years old!, I need it to get ready to last!, cheers!
@ Almarg, Hi, I enjoyed your very educated explanation to Noromance, I could have not done better myself!, cheers!
@ Zd542, There you go again, you got a laugh out of me!, I agree with you!, the context you have gets me to laughing!, Keep comeing with it!,, cheers!
@ mental, Hi, Cool name!,In a way, you have a good point, I do not agree with top performance cable pricing!, However, I bought into the best Taralabs makes, very over the top exspensive!, Its a cable right?, As much as I hated to pay the prices of such cables, there is no comparison to the performance you get!, I have no regrets!, what most audiophiles do not want to realize is that cables are one of the most important part of your sound set!, many times have I taken Taralabs exspensive cables and showcased them on inferior componets only to out perform much pricer componets and speakers with inferrior cables!, thats my life factual experience!, Happy Listening
@ mental, It all depends on system synergy!, As stringreen said, you should audition the cables before you buy!, In my situation, I do not need too!, I have been with the Taralabs house sound since the incarnation of their company, I simply buy componets to match my cables, If the componet does not sound shockinly good on Taralabs cables, I get rid of that componet!, leaves a narrow window for mistakes, I do not believe in mixing brands, I call that chaseing the cables by the tail syndrome!, you will never find absolution! I would need to know the amp and pre-amp in question before a recomendation!, I bought the Taralabs zero gold i/c, the Taralabs omega gold speaker cables, now the Taralabs cobalt a/c power cord with the up-graded top tier oyaide plugs terminated at the Tara factory, then I have the Tara the one i/c and speaker cables for another system, and I own the Taralabs omega jumpers for bi-amping on the main system.,,,, cheers!
I recently took a peek at the VH Audio internet site and liked what I saw!, Brownsfan really got my interest stirred!, man, what a great company, you can litterally make your own cables buying the material from them!,they also carried multiple name brand tweeks, etc...,, and to top it off, for all of you people that make over $40,000.00 a year and can not bring your selfs to spending money on cables that are over a $1,000.00 a meter I/Cs, this VH Audio sine a/c power cable to me is the best $800.00 retail 6 ft power cord in the market place! Congrats to Brownsfan for a great choice he made!,, cheers!
@ Mordante, Hi, Have you tried Taralabs best offerings of cables?, They have a great presatation, Not forward!, very revealing and have very good transparency with the blackest of black back grounds!, very exceptional!