Cables for McCormack/SF/Hales

The cables in my system need to be upgraded and suggestions about what to consider as replacements would be appreciated. The system currently consists of CAL Alpha DAC (w/NOS Philips tubes), CAL Delta transport, Sonic Frontiers Line 1 pre- (stock Sovtek 6922 tubes) McCormack DNA-1 amp with the SMcAudio Revision B upgrade running into a pair of Hales Revelation 3 speakers (not bi-wireable). Interconnects are NBS Stinghers and the digital cable is a Straight Wire Link II (these are on the list for upgrade, too, just not right now). The current speaker cable is AudioQuest Type 4+ solid core (two solid core strands twisted together per side). Most of the music being played is jazz (trios and quartets mostly), some 70's & 80's rock and a little pop. Budget is fairly open, but I don't want to get ridiculous. Most any cable would be an upgrade, but what would add to the synergy of this system?

Showing 2 responses by david99

Check out Harmonic Technology!! Their Interconnect The Pro-Silway mk 2's are awesome and reasonably priced @ $400 Meter.They transformed my system into a higher level I never thought possible.Their Speaker cables are awesome too as are their digital I.C.s.Call my dealer Mario,Owner of Toys From The Attic.He carries the full line and will give you a VERY good deal Tell him Dave sent you and to sell them CHEAP!! 914-421-0069
By the way,Mario sells Sonic Frontiers and Hales.He really could advice you well on what you need.