I had outstanding results with FIM Gold in my system with the Virgo II. Can't say I've tried a lot of cables, but I've tried a few and FIM was unambiguously superior in every way. Had to sell it for financial reasons but miss it a lot - system is now using a $900 set of speaker cabels and the sound is no comparison to my system with the FIM. Good luck.
Cables for Audio Physic Libra
Current system:
amp: pair Bel Canto EvO 200.2 monoblocks
pre: Bel Canto SEP 1
CDP: Sony SCD 333ES
IC's: Nordost Quattro-fil
Speaker cables: Transparent Super XL.
Although I am badly infected with upgrade fever, the current set-up is pretty good, if a bit on the lean side. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a speaker cable for the Libras that will be more complementary to this set-up than the Super XLs?
amp: pair Bel Canto EvO 200.2 monoblocks
pre: Bel Canto SEP 1
CDP: Sony SCD 333ES
IC's: Nordost Quattro-fil
Speaker cables: Transparent Super XL.
Although I am badly infected with upgrade fever, the current set-up is pretty good, if a bit on the lean side. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a speaker cable for the Libras that will be more complementary to this set-up than the Super XLs?