Cable suggestions for Martin Logan

My speakers have bi-wire capabilities and are driven by Classe.At the moment I'm using MIT 2 and suggestions/experiences would be appreciated

Showing 1 response by simancd

Just my 2 cents. I have Martin logan Odyssey's for my left and right main speakers, Martin logan Theater for my center channel and Aerius i's for my surrounds. I'm a great fan of Martin Logan and have tried many combinations of amps and cables to get the most out them. Currently, I have settled on Krell for my power and processing. I output 300/600 (8 ohm/4ohm) watts to each of the five channels and the new Krell HTS 3 handles the processing. As for the cables, I found that silver is not the answer for Martin Logans. Too bright, Too quick, and just sounds down right bad. I've tried high end products from Nordost, Transparent, Audioquest, and Kimber. Finally I've settled on Audioquest Volcano Biwire cables. They've brougt out the most sound from the marting logan's and yet sound very neutral. I would highly recommend them, however, if the cost is more than you wish to spend, My second choice, and for the money, my first choice, would be Audioquest Caldera Biwire's. In fact, I have a great friend who is using them on Martin Logan Prodigy's right now, with Classe amplification, and it sounds great. A word to the wise, as for cables, NEVER pay retail. There's way too many people selling online at drastic discounts on new and demo cables.
Let me know what you go with and how it works out.