cable reviews?

I read the forums and the online magazines and always wonder about the cable reviews. How can I discover what all of the hype is about. I have read promising reviews about cable brands such as Cardas, TARA Labs, and Transparent. I admit I’m leaning towards TARA due to many awards I’ve seen in AbsoluteSound magazine. Cardas also seems to be pretty good also. Any advice on which cables would best suit my system. I have a modest system, with the new Sony Digital front end (brilliant), Bryston electronics and B&W loudspeakers. Thank you

Showing 1 response by dsper

For what it is worth, I do not think that I can afford expensive cables so I would say try the lesser cost ones and you might be pleasantly surprised.

I tried some Cullen cables and it cleaned up the sound of my system and made it seem more live.

W4S amp and preamp, Oppo 105 with Ric Schultz mods, and Maggie3.6's.