Cable elevators - conventional wisdom wrong?

Reluctant to put any considerable money in them, the reasons for using cable elevators seemed intuitively correct to me: decouple cables mechanically from vibration and insulate them from the carpet's static. I have therefore built cheap elevators myself using Lego building blocks. (Plastic with a more or less complex internal structure; moreover, there is enormous shaping flexibility, for instance you can also build gates with suspended strings on which to rest the cables)
In their advertisement/report on the Dark Field elevators, Shunyata now claim that conventional elevators are actually (very?) detrimental in that they enable a strong static field to build up between cable and floor causing signal degradation.
Can anyone with more technical knowledge than I have assess how serious the described effect is likely to be? Would there, theoretically, be less distortion with cables lying on the floor? Has anyone actually experienced this?

Showing 2 responses by bacardi

I bought the Hifi Pyon Mythologies first custom elevators for my Synergistic Research cords and they work great. They do take a week or so to settle in but after there is a noticeable difference in detail, defenition and black background. They raise the cords off the carpet about 4-5 inches which is perfect height from the QLS's MPC's and other cords plugged into it. Very elegant semi gloss black. Ok'd by Ted D. himself specifically for the S.R Tesla power cords and speakers active sheliding...check em' out.....AAA+++

Regards Bacardi
Joeyboynj, I really like them. The Mythologies are pretty solid to hold the heavy S.R Tesla power cords & they blend well with todays interior designs and furniture. Soundwise when I incorporated them in my system I had installed 2 Teslaplexes so I can to an extent comment where the differences in sound quality came from(LOL). I do notice a little more clarity, definition, & astonishingly silent backrounds. The Teslaplexes did there own enhancing. Maybe as time goes on I will notice more. I defenitly have not had any negative affects towards the sound after the Mythologies where put in my system. I actually have 8 total with 2 for sub cords. I have't even put them under any of my speaker wires, I will later add more just to let the Teslaplexes settle so I can tell a difference after to justify any positive affects. I will then report back.